
LaTeX Tagging Project

Generating Well Tagged PDF from LaTeX

An Initial Example

To enable tagging in supported documents it is enough to add at the very beginning of the document, i.e., before \documentclass, a \DocumentMetadata declaration. It takes one argument, a key-value list.

The first four keys in the example set important document metadata, including the document’s language, the requested PDF version and the standards to which the document should comply.

Tagging is then enabled by loading various modules through the testphase key. The value latest loads all modules that we recommend so that it is not necessary to specify individual modules.

% Using the \DocumentMetadata command results in a tagged and accessible PDF file.
% Use ‘pdfversion’ and ‘pdfstandard’ keys to select the output file type.
  lang        = en,
  pdfversion  = 2.0,  % or 1.7 if desired pdfstandard = ua-1
  pdfstandard = ua-2, % or ua-1 if pdfversion = 1.7
  pdfstandard = a-4,  % or a-4f (see below)
  testphase   = latest

% The next declaration results in a tagged PDF with MathML included via structure elements (tags).
% Remove this declaration to generate a tagged PDF with MathML Associated Files, as the use
% of this feature requires the PDF file to declare conformance with PDF/A-4f rather than PDF/A-4.
% LaTeX will automatically switch to declare PDF/A-4f if Associated Files are used when the
% document declares pdfstandard = a-4.
\tagpdfsetup{math/mathml/structelem, math/mathml/AF=false, math/tex/AF=false, math/mathml/sources=}

% Using Unicode math fonts improves the tagging of math.

% Classic LaTeX document markup from here.

\section{A small example}

Some inline mathematics involving $x\in\symbb{R}$.

A list of items
\item a first item;
\item a second item;
\item a third item.

Display math


You may simply click the “Generate Tagged PDF” button to run the example above, or edit the example within this web page before generating a PDF.

Please keep the examples relatively small to avoid overburdening the free service provided here.

The PDF will (by default) be generated via a standard TeXLive 2024 lualatex-dev. The options used in the above example will tag every math expression with the TeX source of the expression, and with an automatically generated MathML version. The resulting tagging, and the derived HTML (using the MathML associated with each math formula) may be viewed by following the link to the ngPDF site.

As provided, the example will generate MathML tags in the output PDF’s tag tree. If you remove the configuration line where indicated, then LaTeX will instead associate each math expression in the PDF with embedded and associated MathML files, one with the TeX source, and one with MathML.

The submitted TeX source is deleted as soon as the PDF is generated, and the resulting PDF is deleted after an hour.

A Larger Example

The above small example shows the basic features of a Tagged LaTeX document. Here we show a larger more complex two-column document including generated cross references and citations.

  lang        = en,
  pdfversion  = 2.0,
  pdfstandard = ua-2,
  pdfstandard = a-4f,
  testphase   = latest

% Remove the next declaration to generate MathML Associated Files rather than Structure Elements
% The file would then need to declare PDF/A-4f rather than PDF/A-4 conformance.
\tagpdfsetup{math/mathml/structelem, math/mathml/AF=false, math/tex/AF=false, math/mathml/sources=}




\title{A Larger Example}
\author{The \LaTeX\ Team}



  An example document showing automatic tagging of typical structures
  found in a \LaTeX\ document, including titles, sections, lists,
  citations lists and mathematics. A two column layout is used, the
  tagging enables the reading order to correctly follow the flow of
  text through the columns.



This document shows a typical two-column document incorporating tables, figures and mathematics.

Apart from two commands at the start to enable tagging, and a small
amount of additional markup to give alternative texts for graphics
inclusion, and to specify the heading rows of tables%
\footnote{The current tagging markup for tables is temporary and a new interface
for tagging tables will be developed.}. The document
just uses standard \LaTeX\ markup that would be used in any \LaTeX\
document since the 1980's.

\section{Document structures}


Let $p$ be a prime, then
\[n^p=n \mod p\]

An aligned set of equations:
  f(x)&=\sin x + \cos y \\
  g(x)&=2\cos x - 3\sin y


Lists often occur in documents
\item They may be unordered bullet lists
\item Or may be numbered lists.
  \item lists may also be nested in an outer list
  \item \label{item-a}items within such a list may be referenced.
Here we reference item~\ref{item-a}.

\subsection{Figures and Tables}

Small images may be shown inline
\includegraphics[height=1em,alt=small skull in a diamond]{ghsystem_skull.jpg}
and small tables may be shown within the paragraph:
This& 11 \\
That & 2

Larger figures are usually placed in a \emph{float} to be positioned at a suitable
place to help with column and page breaking.
  \includegraphics[alt=example image A,width=.9\linewidth]{example-image-a}
  \caption{Larger image set as a \emph{float}}

It is also possible to cite works from a bib\TeX\ database, here we
cite \cite{article-full} and \cite{inbook-full} from the
\texttt{xampl.bib} sample file distributed with bib\TeX.



Notes on the Example Server

The example is shown in an online editor embedded in the page.

The button will run (Lua)LaTeX at texlive.net. Links will be generated to directly view the PDF or to open the PDF at ngpdf.com which will allow the tagged structure to be navigated and the derived HTML to be viewed.

texlive.net help

ngPDF help

These examples run using the texlive.net and ngpdf.com services provided by DANTE and Duallab respectively. Please do not over use the services, they are not set up to process heavy loads but are intended just to run small examples in order to show how to use LaTeX to generate tagged PDF.